P1 Vegeta Prince of Saiyans (SDCC Exclusive)
P2 Goku Protector of Earth (SDCC Exclusive)
P3 Gohan Resilient Child (SDCC Exclusive)
P4 Krillin Ready (SDCC Exclusive)
P5 Goku Super Saiyan God (SDCC Exclusive)
R122 Black Devious Mastery
R123 Black Mischievous Drill
R124 Black Disorienting Blow
R125 Black Reflection
R126 Black Scout Maneuver
R127 Blue Protective Mastery
R128 Blue Lunge
R129 Blue Terror
R130 Blue Trapped Strike
R131 Namekian Knowledge Mastery
R132 Namekian Dragon Clan
R134 Namekian Palm Shots
R133 Namekian Overtime
R135 Namekian Planned Attack
R136 Orange Adaptive Mastery
R137 Orange Focusing Drill
R138 Orange Searching Maneuver
R139 Orange Uppercut
R140 Red Enraged Mastery
R141 Red Forward Stance Drill
R143 Red Left Bolt
R144 Red Observation
R145 Saiyan Empowered Mastery
R146 Saiyan Acute Rapid Slam
R147 Saiyan Elbow Drop
R148 Saiyan Power Up
R149 Dragon Radar
R150 Confrontation
R151 Stare Down
R153 Captain Ginyu's Body Switch
R154 Frieza's Supernova
R155 Gohan's Masenko
R156 Goku's Kamehameha
R158 Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon
R159 Trunks' Sword Slash
R160 Vegeta's Galick Gun
R101 Black Declaration
R102 Black Head Charge
R103 Black Enraged Assault
R104 Focused Assault
R105 Black Counter Ball
R106 Blue Taming Technique
R107 Blue Overpowering Drill
R108 Blue Leaping Kick
R109 Blue Crush