UR146 Villainous Energy Sphere Foil
UR145 The Ultimate Sacrifice Foil
UR144 Heroic Energy Sphere Foil
UR142 Assisted Kamehameha Foil
UR141 Allied Blitz Foil
R140 Vegeta's Final Flash Foil
R139 Trunks' Knee Bash Foil
R119 Orange Collision Foil
U67 Earth Dragon Ball 7 Foil
C60 Saiyan Crouch Foil
C58 Saiyan Turning Kick Foil
C34 Orange Dismissal Foil
C30 Namekian Buffer Foil
C21 Blue Arrest Foil
C14 Blue Deterrence Foil
C13 Blue Brace Foil
C11 Blue Rebuke Foil
DR30 Red Ascension Mastery Booster Pack Foil
DR29 Trunks Overwhelming Booster Pack Foil
DR28 Trunks Bold Booster Pack Foil
DR27 Trunks Frenzied Booster Pack Foil
DR26 Trunks Dashing Booster Pack Foil
DR23 Hercule Guarded Booster Pack Foil
DR19 Gohan Undeniable Booster Pack Foil
DR18 Gohan Unassuming Booster Pack Foil
DR17 Gohan Unlocked Booster Pack Foil
DR16 Gohan Adept Booster Pack Foil
DR14 Cell Unstoppable Booster Pack Foil
DR13 Cell Smooth Booster Pack Foil
DR12 Cell Combative Booster Pack Foil
DR11 Cell Prepared Booster Pack Foil
DR10 Orange Retribution Mastery Booster Pack Foil
DR9 Vegeta Pinnacle of Power Booster Pack Foil
DR8 Vegeta Energized Booster Pack Foil
DR7 Vegeta Imposing Booster Pack Foil
DR6 Vegeta Experienced Booster Pack Foil
DR4 Goku Selfless Booster Pack Foil
DR3 Goku Courageous Booster Pack Foil
DR2 Goku Determined Booster Pack Foil
DR1 Goku Training Booster Pack Foil
S166 Red Sword Stab Foil
S156 Red Energy Blast Foil
S150 Red Blocking Hand Foil
S146 Black Declaration Foil
S94 Namekian Crossed Guard Foil
S83 Namekian Hybrid Defense Foil
S77 Stare Down Foil
S64 Orange Refocus Foil
S51 Blue Neck Beam Foil
S48 Blue Stretch Kick Foil