C37 Orange Sideswipe
C36 Orange Outburst
C35 Orange Left Punch
C34 Orange Ki Blast
C33 Orange Fracture
C32 Orange Duck
C31 Orange Concealment
C30 Orange Retrieval Drill
C29 Orange Investigation Drill
C28 Orange Intense Training Drill
C27 Orange Audience
C26 Namekian Wrist Strike
C25 Namekian Intervention
C24 Namekian Elbow Drop
C23 Namekian Door Destruction
C22 Namekian Deflection
C21 Namekian Catch
C20 Namekian Cleansing Drill
C19 Namekian Assistance Drill
C18 Namekian Reinforced Catch
C17 Blue Vehicle Destruction
C16 Blue Shopping
C15 Blue Knee
C14 Blue Flight
C13 Blue Eye Lasers
C12 Blue Energy Focus
C11 Blue Counter
C10 Blue Cleanse
C9 Black Travelling Punch
C8 Black Request
C7 Black Protection
C6 Black Impediment
C5 Black Headbutt
C4 Black Explosion
C3 Black Remembrance Drill
C2 Black Inactivity Drill
C1 Black Pop-up
R140 Tug of War Foil
R139 Sinister Choke Foil
R138 Optic Blast Foil
R137 Enhanced Reflexes Foil
R136 Energized Strike Foil
R135 Android Presence Foil
R134 Moment of Peace Foil
R133 Android Attack Drill Foil
R132 Elimination Foil
R130 Android 20's Domination Foil
R129 Android 20's Scouting Drill Foil
R128 Android 19's Choke Foil
R127 Android 19's Energy Absorption Foil