P1 Vegeta Prince of Saiyans (SDCC Exclusive)
P2 Goku Protector of Earth (SDCC Exclusive)
P3 Gohan Resilient Child (SDCC Exclusive)
P4 Krillin Ready (SDCC Exclusive)
P5 Goku Super Saiyan God (SDCC Exclusive)
P6 Piccolo Stoic
P7 Goku's Kamehameha Foil
P8 Time Is A Warrior's Tool Foil
P9 Vegeta's Galick Gun Foil
P10 Confrontation Foil
P11 Trunks' Sword Slash Foil
P12 Stare Down Foil
P13 Frieza Tyrant Foil
P15 Frieza's Supernova Foil
P16 Black Scout Maneuver Foil
P17 Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon Foil
P18 Blue Terror Foil
P21 Krillin's Destructo Disk Foil
P14 Gohan's Masenko Foil
P19 Captain Ginyu's Body Switch Foil
P20 Saiyan Power Up Foil