UR32 The Implication Foil
P19 Namekian Straining Assault Foil
P1-P5 Frieza MP Promo Set (FanZ) Foil
C3 Black Restoration Foil
Revelation Playset Foil
P85 Nail, Combat Ready MP (FanZ)
U9 Blue Combined Effort
P200 Cooler, Angered Ally Promo (FanZ)
P166 Goku, Thoughtful Ally Promo (FanZ) Foil
P14 Red Android Twin Beams Foil
P16 Frieza, Resident of HFIL Foil
R30 Red Onslaught Foil
P17 Black Capture Foil (LP)
P20 Orange Punishment Foil
R40 Videl's Justice Rush
C14 Namekian Grab Foil
R39 Energy Toss Foil
R10 Blue Energy Wave
P31 Raditz's Double Sunday Foil
P185 Maron, Popular Ally Promo (FanZ)
P59-P62 Gohan MP Promo Set (FanZ)
C30 Saiyan Energy Evasion Foil
U14 Namekian Aggressive Burst Foil
C13 Namekian Swift Guard Foil
P11 Blue Malicious Blast
P10 Black Face Crush
R5 Black Energy Rings
U25 Red Enhanced Beam
C21 Red Panic
U20 Orange Sweeping Blast
C18 Orange Meditation
U12 Namekian Aggressive Drill
R7 Blue Arrival Drill
R36 Controlled Energy Burst Foil
U19 Orange Elbow Rush Foil
C13 Namekian Rush Foil
U31 Red Flee Foil
U28 Red Announcement Foil
U25 Orange Separating Shot Foil
R12 Blue Tempo Foil
U25 Red Enhanced Beam Foil
C13 Namekian Chase Foil
P192 Dr. Brief, Analyzing Ally Promo (FanZ)
P184 Korin, Watching From Afar Ally Promo (FanZ)
R37 Janemba's Sword Thrust Foil
C20 Orange Energy Ball
R35 Pikkon's Hyper Tornado Foil
U20 Orange Foot Blast Foil
U1 Black Maximum Shout Foil
R37 Janemba's Sword Thrust