C23 Red Reverse
C10 Blue Quick Shot
U9 Blue Easy Knee
C8 Blue Quick Save
C6 Blue Off-Balanced Punch
R52 Supreme Kai's Telepathy Foil
C6 Blue Off-Balanced Punch Foil
U6 Blue Tandem Foil
Preview C7 Blue Dismissal Foil
R10 Blue Punishment Foil
P84 Nail, Unflinching MP (FanZ)
Escalation Playset Foil
Revelation Playset Non-Foil
U42 Hoi, Wizard
S51-S54 Tapion 1-4
P5-P8 Supreme Kai MP Promo Set (FanZ) Foil
P17 Black Capture
P13-P16 Buu MP Promo Set (FanZ) Foil
P48-P51 Vegeta MP Promo Set (FanZ)
P1-P4 Gohan MP Promo Set (FanZ)
P29 Allied Blitz Foil
P144 Gohan, To the Rescue MP Promo (FanZ) Foil
P17 Assisted Kamehameha
U8 Blue Quick Strike
C23 Red Evasive Manuever Foil
U3 Black Grudge Drill Foil
P13 Nail, Warrior Foil
P33 Goku, Confident
P24-P27 Vegeta MP Promo Set (FanZ) Foil
P39 Namekian Right Throw Foil
S47-S50 Janemba 1-4
S43-S46 Hirudegarn 1-4
U41 Hatchiyack, Vengeful
P175 Icarus, Supportive Ally Promo (FanZ)
P173 Vegeta, Impatient Ally Promo (FanZ)
P166 Goku, Thoughtful Ally Promo (FanZ)
P75-P78 Vegeta MP Promo Set (FanZ)
P71-P74 Trunks MP Promo Set (FanZ)
P32-P35 Android 18 MP Promo Set (FanZ)
P18 Unleashed Foil
Celestial Tournament Playset Non-Foil
P4 Orange Luxury
P1 Black Judgment Rush
R14 Namekian Piercing Kick
U19 Orange Elbow Rush
R53 Supreme Kai's Ki Blast
R52 Supreme Kai's Telepathy
R46 Dabura's Demonic Slash
R45 Dabura's Spit
R43 Torturous Volley