49 - Energy Lob Limited
74 - Red Clap Limited
Preview 4 - Super Saiyan Setup Limited
Preview 5 - Goku, Young Again Limited
Preview 6 - The Might of Shenron Limited
Piccolo Sensei Puzzle Insert - BOTTOM RIGHT
Piccolo Sensei Puzzle Insert - BOTTOM MIDDLE
Piccolo Sensei Puzzle Insert - BOTTOM LEFT
Piccolo Sensei Puzzle Insert - MIDDLE RIGHT
Piccolo Sensei Puzzle Insert - MIDDLE
Piccolo Sensei Puzzle Insert - MIDDLE LEFT
Piccolo Sensei Puzzle Insert - TOP RIGHT
Piccolo Sensei Puzzle Insert - TOP MIDDLE
Piccolo Sensei Puzzle Insert - TOP LEFT
Preview 6 - The Might of Shenron Limited Foil
Preview 4 - Super Saiyan Setup Limited Foil
Preview 3 - Uub's Energy Drill Limited Foil
Preview 2 - Pan's Right Blast Limited Foil
GT5 - Goku, Young Again
??? - Kid Buu
??? - Uub
125 - Piccolo Sensei Unlimited Foil
124 - Earth's Spirit Bomb Unlimited Foil
125 - Piccolo Sensei Limited Foil
121 - Uub, Enraged Limited Foil
102 - Goku Sensei Limited Foil
93 - Alt Namek Dragon Ball 6 Limited Foil
73 - Red Annihilation Limited Foil
66 - Pan, Granddaughter of Goku Limited Foil
49 - Energy Lob Limited Foil
3 - Alt Namek Dragon Ball 3 Limited Foil
2 - Alt Namek Dragon Ball 2 Limited Foil