P12 Beerus God of Destruction
UR141 Surprise Attack Foil
UR143 Flurry of Blows Foil
U67 Broly Legendary Foil
Gohan Level 1-4 Hi-Tech Main Personality Set (Awakening)
C30 Namekian Buffer Foil
UR142 Assisted Kamehameha Foil
C17 Blue Clash Foil
R140 Vegeta's Final Flash Foil
U66 Broly Determined Foil
UR141 Allied Blitz Foil
C14 Blue Deterrence Foil
R105 Blue Blanketing Blasts Foil
Awakening 20 Pack Blister Booster Box
DR4 Goku Selfless Booster Pack Foil
R139 Trunks' Knee Bash Foil
UR145 The Ultimate Sacrifice Foil
DR10 Orange Retribution Mastery Booster Pack Foil
DR1 Goku Training Booster Pack Foil
DR18 Gohan Unassuming Booster Pack Foil
DR29 Trunks Overwhelming Booster Pack Foil
DR30 Red Ascension Mastery Booster Pack Foil
DR27 Trunks Frenzied Booster Pack Foil
DR12 Cell Combative Booster Pack Foil
DR3 Cell Perfect Hi-Tech Hi-Tech Rainbow Prizm
P8 Orange Devouring Drill Foil
P16 I'll Dig Your Grave Foil
Awakening Blister Booster Pack
P4 Red Double Strike Foil
S29 Trunks Overwhelming Hi-Tech Prizm
S4 Goku Selfless Hi-Tech Prizm
S18 Gohan Unassuming Hi-Tech Prizm
S17 Gohan Unlocked Hi-Tech Prizm
S19 Gohan Undeniable Hi-Tech Prizm
P1 Confrontation Foil